BlueHens CTF 2021: Minecraft: Mega Chickens

This is from the BlueHensCTF 2021.

Challenge Author: ProfNinja, Gkonos, Daniel

For this challenge, We are given the following information and links:

Here is the mc86 Intro:

Here is the mc86 InitCode:

/give @p minecraft:written_book{title:"Init CPU",author:"UD Cyberscholars",generation:0,pages:[
"{\"text\":\"Click Here First\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Creating RAM\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~1 ~ ~ minecraft:lime_shulker_box\"},
{\"text\":\"Click Here Second\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Start Timing Belt\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~2 ~1 ~ minecraft:command_block[facing=up]{powered:0b,Command:\\\"setblock ~ ~-1 ~ air\\\"}\"}},
{\"text\":\"Click Here Third\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Finishing Timing Belt\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~2 ~2 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=up]{powered:0b,auto:1b,conditionMet:0b,Command:\\\"execute if data block ~-1 ~-2 ~ Items[0].tag.pages[0] run setblock ~ ~-2 ~ redstone_block\\\"}\"}},
{\"text\":\"Click Here Fourth\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Start CPU\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~3 ~ ~ minecraft:command_block[facing=east]{powered:0b,Command:\\\"data modify block ~2 ~ ~ Command set from block ~-2 ~ ~ Items[0].tag.pages[0]\\\"}\"}},
{\"text\":\"Click Here Fifth\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Finishing CPU\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~4 ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=east]{powered:0b,auto:1b,conditionMet:0b,Command:\\\"data remove block ~-3 ~ ~ Items[0].tag.pages[0]\\\"}\"}},
{\"text\":\"Click Here Sixth\\n\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"bold\":true,\"underlined\":true,\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"Placing ALU\"},\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/setblock ~5 ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=east]{powered:0b,auto:1b,conditionMet:0b}\"}}]}"]} 1

Finally, here is the challenge source code:

/give @p writable_book{pages:["/fill ~ ~ ~-2 ~5 ~ ~-3 yellow_concrete","/fill ~1 ~ ~-4 ~1 ~5 ~-4 yellow_concrete","/fill ~4 ~ ~-4 ~4 ~5 ~-4 yellow_concrete","/fill ~ ~6 ~-6 ~5 ~11 ~2 blue_wool","/fill ~-1 ~8 ~-5 ~6 ~11 ~1 blue_wool","/fill ~1 ~10 ~2 ~4 ~15 ~4 blue_wool","/fill ~2 ~10 ~5 ~3 ~11 ~5 red_concrete","/fill ~1 ~12 ~5 ~4 ~13 ~6 yellow_concrete","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-72 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~40 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-8 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~4 ~14 ~4 ~4 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-152 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-96 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-16 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~80 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~88 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~168 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~2 ~14 ~4 ~2 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-112 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-80 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-48 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~64 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~160 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~176 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-192 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-184 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-144 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-32 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~16 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~72 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~96 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~136 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~4 ~14 ~4 ~4 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-176 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-168 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-160 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-136 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-128 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-88 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-120 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-64 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~0 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~8 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~32 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~48 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~112 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~128 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~144 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~1 ~14 ~4 ~1 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~152 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~56 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~2 ~14 ~4 ~2 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~120 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/fill ~4 ~14 ~4 ~4 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-104 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 blue_wool","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-40 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~2 ~14 ~4 ~2 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-56 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~184 ~20 ~-10","/fill ~3 ~14 ~4 ~3 ~14 ~4 black_concrete","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~-24 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~24 ~20 ~-10","/clone ~-1 ~ ~-6 ~6 ~15 ~6 ~104 ~20 ~-10"]}

As recommended by the challenge text, I got the latest Minecraft Java Launcher and launched a world:

I followed the YouTube video and gave myself a command block, placed it with a button on it, and posted the mc86 initcode:

I clicked the button and received an enchanted book:

I followed the instructions and clicked each of the six links to generate my mc86 computer in my world:

Next, following the YouTube video, I pasted the challenge source code into the command block I created earlier and click the button:

his gave me a book and quill with 72 pages of instructions:

I then placed this book and quill into the Shulker Box:

I placed a button in the mc86 computer (as directed in the YouTube video) and and clicked it to run the challenge program:

This created a bunch of giant chickens (or maybe Blue Hens):

Upon close inspection, I see that their eyes are different:

Looking even closer, I see that their are 4 blocks that are changing between chickens. Those 4 blocks are either just the blue wool (like the rest of the chicken) or black concrete. On a hunch, I recorded these as binary values where blue wool equaled a 0 and black concrete equaled a 1. This gave me the following binary value:

0100 0110 0111 1011 0011 0100 0111 0010 0110 1101 0111 1001 0101 1111 0011 0000 0110 0110 0101 1111 0110 0010 0110 1100 0111 0101 0011 0011 0101 1111 0110 1000 0110 0101 0110 1110 0111 0011 0111 1101

Taking this hunch further, I modified these values to give me binary bytes:

01000110 01111011 00110100 01110010 01101101 01111001 01011111 00110000 01100110 01011111 01100010 01101100 01110101 00110011 01011111 01101000 01100101 01101110 01110011 01111101

A quick trip to RapidTables to convert these binary bytes to ASCII, I get the following text:

That is the flag:


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